If you received a School Rush! account, please watch our training videos at below links
Watch this video if you are a Teacher
Watch this video if you are a Parent
Watch this video if you are a Administrator

If you are a School, please submit a request using the contact form.

If your school is signed with School Rush, you will get login instructions in email/SMS. You can also retrieve your password by selecting the “Forget password?” link and submitting your email address.

If you do not have a smart phone, you can get access to all the information in the app using School Rush website. Please log into School Rush website to get access to this information.

Currently, School Rush does not have native apps for Windows and Blackberry phones. You can use the mobile optimized schoolrush.com website to get access to all the School Rush functionality on these device web browsers.

School Rush! allows you to update your contact preferences to unsubscribe from emails, calls, sms text messages.
To update contact preferences, login to schoolrush.com
> Select Settings Menu (top right) drop down
> Select Update Contact Settings
> Select/Unselect ‘send emails’, ‘send texts’, ‘calls’ options for each contact listed for your account
> Save your settings.

If you believe your child is not in a school using School Rush! and if you do not have a School Rush! account login to update your contact preferences:
Reply “STOP” or END, QUIT, CANCEL, OR UNSUBSCRIBE to text from your phone to stop receiving text messages.
To stop receiving emails, submit your email here

The first time School Rush! App is installed and launched, there should have been a prompt asking for notifications permissions. If you did not give permissions, you will not receive push notifications. In order to start receiving push notifications please follow below steps:
iPone or iPad – Go to your iPhone settings
> Look for SchoolRush, there will be a long list
> Select School Rush
> Select Notifications, in the next screen, if any of the options are disabled, please enable all the options you see in this screen.

Android – Go to your Android device settings
> Select Application manager
> Select School Rush!
> Make sure ‘Show notifications’ option is selection.
After enabling notifications, please log out of SchoolRush App and log back in.
If you forgot your password, please go to schoolrush.com and select forgot password to retrieve your password.

After you successfully log into School Rush, you can click on your email address at the top right hand corner of the screen and there will be a link to Reset password.

You can retrieve your password by logging into School Rush, select the “Forget password?” link and submit your email address!

If your school signed up with School Rush, you will get login instructions in email/SMS. You can also retrieve your password by selecting the “Forget password?” link and submitting your email address.

Let’s try our
service now!

SchoolRush, is not just another communication tool!
SchoolRush offers an array of features that parents have called “conveniently fabulous”!!