“It takes a village” to raise and educate a child. What happens when a district’s village isn’t engaging the right partners? Ongoing research shows that family engagement in schools improves student achievement, reduces absenteeism, and restores parents’ confidence in their children’s education. The School Rush school communications platform provides a parent engagement dashboard with analytics, metrics and charts that measure not only call and message data, but also district, school and classroom level parent and staff engagement activity. School Rush prevents schools from planning around assumptions and provides the type of analytics that allow districts to determine the best way to engage parents while planning for the year to come.

School districts are increasingly looking at Apps to improve Parent engagement. Several school districts have already developed and launched custom school app for their district. But some school districts have learned the hard way that nearly 1 in 4 people abandon mobile apps after only one use. Districts considering custom school App need to know that Apps most likely to be opened fall into social media category that support in-app messaging and use push notifications effectively. Typical custom school App includes a district news feed, push notifications, calendar, directory and links to school resources & social media. So why are custom school apps not able to retain parents? The devil is in the (content) details – A news feed with district news snippets is not a message feed that will engage the parent. An obligatory monthly or weekly push notification from the communications department about a district event will not draw the parent in to interact with the App daily. A standalone district, school calendar that is not integrated and personalized to the parent is not relevant. A directory with contact information of administrative staff that parents rarely interact with is not useful to the parent. School districts that have deployed School Rush school communication App have experienced 90% (of) parents downloading the App and 90% of them check their school App at least once a day. School Rush! school App message feed gives parents info about just their kids in a social media style activity feed. Photos & notes on everything their children are learning in classroom projects, activities, along with district news. Dr. Wang, Glencoe Public Schools, says “We are pleased to offer SchoolRush as a communication tool across our schools. The possibilities to use the app to inform parents and celebrate student learning are endless!”. School Rush! school communications platform also tracks and makes available meaningful metrics in an easy to use dashboard so administrators can review how parents are engaging with the App. Lauren, Family Communication & Enrollment Coordinator, KIPP St. Louis, says “School Rush has empowered our schools to communicate with families more frequently and effectively. It has a user-friendly interface that allows for easy staff training. Also, the School Rush team is always available to support no matter how large or small the request is. We look forward to expanding our use of this system as our schools grow.” Why do Schools prefer School Rush! school communication App? 90% parent engagement backed with analytics Syncs with SIS Syncs district, school, classroom calendars Syncs with Google Apps calendar, drive Offers a virtual Teachers’ Lounge Emergency broadcasts with Robocalling & texting

Your parents, students, and teachers are not always in the same place at the same time. School Rush helps school districts sync multiple calendars into a consolidated view. The instant, personalized view helps keep dates and important events in the forefront for all stakeholders. Schools don’t have to repeatedly send reminders for critical events. School Rush automatically syncs district, school, class room events from Google (or any iCal) calendars. Parents don’t have to spend time searching for their kid’s events in district, school, classroom, athletic and other calendars. School Rush App provides parents instant access to current and upcoming School and District events for each of their children in a personalized planner.